Support > Getting Started

How do I install Store Locator Widgets in my website or store

This article gives you the instructions you need to get your Store Locator installed on your website.

How to add a Google Maps API key to your store locator software

A Google Maps API key is needed if you choose Google Maps as the mapping service provider for your store locator. Here's our guide to getting your free API key from Google.

How to add a MapBox API key to your store locator software

A MapBox API key is required for all new deployments of our store locator if you select the MapBox platform instead of the default Google Maps. Here's our guide to obtaining your API key for your store locator software.

How to add an ExpressMaps API key to your store locator software

An ExpressMaps API key is required for all new deployments of our store locator if you select the ExpressMaps platform instead of the default Google Maps. Here's our guide to obtaining your API key for your store locator software.

How to switch your locator from Google Maps to Mapbox Maps

Due to the recently announced Google Maps Platform price increases and the reduction of the Google Maps free quota, some customers who use their store locator heavily may find it more cost effective to switch to the Mapbox maps platform instead. As a guideline, the threshold for where the free usage of the Google Maps Platform is exceeded is around 600 customers using the store locator each day.